Abstracts of accepted free paper presentations will be published as an online pdf available through the FESSH website.
The Congress has been accredited by the EACCME® with 22 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).
Read the full accreditation statement.
Presenters are requested to use the laptops provided by the organizers. Using your own computer is not allowed.
Session rooms and the slide center will be equipped with a laptop and MAC running the latest release of Microsoft OFFICE 2016/2019 for Windows or MacOS and Keynote vers.12.1 (7034.0.86) and the most common codecs.
The only presentation software supported will be Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows (.PPTX) and Keynote for MacOS (.KEY)
We are planning a fully in-person meeting. Sections will not be streamed and presenting remotely will not be available.
All presenters are required to bring their presentations saved on to a USB memory stick or external hard drives virus free. All presentations will be checked in at the Slide Center. Technicians will check them for compatibility and load them on to the Slide Center Network. Should a virus be detected, the presentation will not be loaded on the network. Purging and cleaning of the infected files will not be performed.
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 2016/2019/2021. If presentations are created with other software packages, they must be converted into the supported ones (see section "Slide Center")
Apple Mac Keynote 12.1 (7034.0.86), PowerPoint for MAC 2016/2019
Display resolution of the data projectors will be 1920x1080 pixels (16:9 Full HD).
.gif, .jpg and .png are recommended. Other file extensions can be a accepted, only if supported by PowerPoint. For presentations created on Apple Mac computers .png, .tiff and .jpg are suggested.
Please save all movie, flash, audio, pdf files and images that are part of the presentation and bring them all with you.
Use only standard font types that are supported by Windows 10, Microsoft Office 2016/2019/2021, macOs Monterey and Keynote. If a non-standard font is used, this must be saved in the same directory containing the presentation and checked at the Slide Center at least 2 hours prior to the session.
A list of supported fonts can be found on the Microsoft website:
You can play movies created with proprietary codecs of professional machines only after verification of the possibility of converting movies.
For Windows laptops: MPG4; MPEG2 (DVD); DV; MPEG, DivX (3,4,5,6),XVID, Wmv and Cinepak.
For Mac computers: PERIAN, DIVX, AC3,MplayerX, Mplaye rOS X 2, VLC, Dvix….
AVI and MOV movie files: Please take note that these are not movie codecs, but "multimedia boxes", that can contain different data types. These files are used to synchronize movie codec, audio codec, subtitles and menus.
Avi and mov files can contain supported extensions such as divx, xvid, wmv, h264, h265, mpg, etc. and non-supported file extensions such as avchd, theora, soreson, ffmpegX, isquint, Avidemux etc…. File extensions contained inside avi or mov files can be recognized by the free software Gspot or MediaInfo
The free software Any Video Converter converts movie into wmv, mpg or divx files.
Movie files and/or images must be saved in the same directory containing in the presentation directory. File *.ppt with linked video may cause display problems even after reintegration.
To ensure the smoothest possible running of all presentations, presenters are kindly requested to attend the Slide Center as indicated hereafter:
There is a possibility to upload your presentation still before the congress. Advance uploading is not compulsory but it is a comfortable way to check in your presentations. Upload credentials were sent in email to each presenter. Even if you have uploaded your presentation earlier please double check it on site in the Slide Center.
The electronic posters will be available for viewing during each day of the congress. They will be displayed on 55-inch multitouch monitors, oriented vertically (portrait mode), located at the entrance of the main congress hall (Grote Zaal).
Each screen represents a search and display station through which it will be possible to:
Author should prepare their own contribution in a form of a single page .pdf file, including their own ID, name, and surname. The resolution in pixels should be 1080x1920 (vertical / portrait), with a maximum recommended size of 300 MB.
If the contribution is created with Microsoft PowerPoint, the slide size should be 19.05 cm x 33.87 cm in portrait format (vertical). Please note that the file will be opened through a browser that adjusts the viewing scale to the screen.
Different formats will still be viewable, but they will simply use the display surface less effectively, which will have a portrait (vertical) orientation. The most significant test is: "Does the file display on my screen?" Consider that if your .pdf or .pptx is difficult to read on a small screen, it will be more readable on a larger screen. If it is legible on your computer, it will be even more so on the e-poster display.
Once you have prepared the pdf or pptx file of your poster, zoom in on the details that you want to be visible. If you can view them correctly on your device, they will be displayed correctly on the e-poster system.
E-posters can include text, figures, and images, but not sound, videos or urls.
Please upload your e-poster presentation file latest till 16 June 2024. Upload instructions were sent in email to each e-poster presenter.